Harmony or Discord?

Starting my day (rather late as the 3:00 AM awakening hit once again) by reviewing French notes and essays I wrote in 1978 while studying with a lovely Frenchwoman in Pasadena! The folder was hidden among some old files I pulled for shredding. After French I studied landscape images of photographers I admire, always learning something new, experiencing another viewpoint, standing in different shoes. Coffee break. Then on to matters of personal business, household, errands, etc. Have I read the news? No. Will I? Oh, sometime today perhaps. A better use of time would be rereading Gibbons! During my medical years, no such morning luxuries were allowed. I might play a Scarlatti CD on the way to the hospital or sometimes stop under a tree for 10 minutes of poetry aloud. And the point of this rambling? How you choose to start your day determines how you will live that day. With harmony or discord? Your choice.

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